Keith D Kulper, President

Keith D Kulper, President
Keith addressing 12/7/10 meeting of the KULPER Advisory Board held at New Jersey Institute of Technology

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Search Climate: Great time to Look & Seek

As we enter the last month of the first quarter of 2012, I would like to say:"if you are thinking about looking for a new opportunity or seeking to hire right leaders the time is just right".

We have seen quite a few hiring and firing cycles over the past 15 years and as the economy continues to swing in the right direction the time for organizations to hire and individuals to seek career development/advancement through a job change could not be better right now. I think that this periond will last for a while---maybe two years or so, before organizations start to get into a hiring frenzy which will signal the end of the rush. Yes, it is going to get a lot better for individuals seeking to improve their careers during the next 12-24 months, for organizations endeavoring to achieve competitive advantage ----and of course, the overall economy as well.

Organizations seeking to gain market share by aggressively seeking out and recruting top talent during this current period will find themselves ahead of their key competitors in the race for topline revenue and bottom line results--particularly in areas that demand top engineering, science and technology leadership. Likewise, for academic institutions seeking to improve research funding, faculty quality and overall ranking.

The decision makers must be savvy enough to sense that the time is ripe to seek out and hire top talent and then act....or they may miss the currently open window of opportunity.

All the best,

Friday, February 3, 2012

Keith D. Kulper, President KULPER & COMPANY, LLC Executive Search: Jobs Report--a pleasant surprise...

Keith D. Kulper, President KULPER & COMPANY, LLC Executive Search: Jobs Report--a pleasant surprise...: What will the pundits and naysayers have to say now? Unemployment is now officially reporting in at 8.3 % with over 200,000 jobs being crea...

Jobs Report--a pleasant surprise...

What will the pundits and naysayers have to say now? Unemployment is now officially reporting in at 8.3 % with over 200,000 jobs being created in January 2012. President Obama must have a big smile on his face this morning----the market is reacting positively---should be a great day.

OK----this story has been building for quite a while. Rates have been at historic lows for several years and the FED is promising low rates for another 2 years! We'll see about that, but the Treasury Yield Curve has been pointing the way towards steady recovery for quite some time for anyone who has been paying attention. We, of course, need to remember what brought the world economy down and keep an eye out for those who promote excess, greed and recklessness in the way a school yard bully might. Remember: bullies hate it when someone calls them out and fights back so always have the courage to do that if you see bad behavior in your enterprise, community or will sleep better at night and you will be taking responsibility for a better future for everyone.

Innovation---entrepreneurship and hiring of bright people focused on making good things happen in their own enterprises and institutions can take heart from today's jobs report. Our business here at KULPER & COMPANY is very solid and we are forecasting a banner year in our area of where "academia meets corporate innovation". The economic pendulum has inexorably swung in the right direction. Yes, there are threats, concerns, issues etc., but this is the time for positive people to take center stage to boldly drive growth, innovation and growth in an honest and sustainable manner.

Bravo! This is great news--enjoy it.

Now let's all get to work and keep our focus on innovation, entrepreneurship and growth and undoubtedly more good things will happen for our economy which will clearly have a positive effect on our families, communities, businesses and, of course, this beautiful world on which we are so blessed to live.

Happy SuperBowl Weekend.....and....Go Giants!
All the best,