Keith D Kulper, President

Keith D Kulper, President
Keith addressing 12/7/10 meeting of the KULPER Advisory Board held at New Jersey Institute of Technology

Friday, February 18, 2011

Research, Innovation & Application

Probably one of the most important positions in any company or organization is the role filled by the person most responsible for driving research and applied innovation. It is exciting to see synapses firing and entirely new applications come out that make our lives better. Companies like GE were created by creative people like Thomas Edison, for example, who we in New Jersey are proud to call one of our own. Thankfully, his legacy is alive and well in large and early stage companies alike who are striving for better ways to solve problems and make our lives better and better. I love working with companies and organizations like that--it is not only important and interesting it is thrilling to see, over time, how their daring and innovative solutions really do make a difference.

If we pay attention we can take part in the creative process that is birthing innovative solutions, no matter what our role in life might be. Sometimes this means taking the road less travelled in order to support a fledgling idea or supply a key missing ingredient to the success formula; be it in the form of capital, hard work or simply moral support. Pay attention because you will have an opportunity to do that and when it comes along, go for it. In America and around the world research and innovation lie at the heart of human development, so be supportive of this very special human activity.

At KULPER & COMPANY our focus is on conducting search assignments that involve bringing forward leaders to fill key roles. Our preference in working on assignments at the seam of academia and applied entrepreneurship is founded on our belief that the right people are necessary to drive research and then apply it in innovative and often startling ways. To the extent that our efforts here can help encourage additional dialogue and interaction among these two vital groups we believe that we are helping to play a part in making the world a better place.

Warm regards,

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