Keith D Kulper, President

Keith D Kulper, President
Keith addressing 12/7/10 meeting of the KULPER Advisory Board held at New Jersey Institute of Technology

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Right Hired Candidate: The KULPER Mantra...thank you, Guy Kawasaki

This morning, I received an email from Amazon suggesting various books and music based upon past purchases. Right next to CDs by the Beach Boys, Van Morrison and Mark Knopfler was the book, The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki, Penguin Books, 2004.

What is great about the new marketing techniques employed by companies like Amazon is that they are able to suggest ideas to a consumer (like me) based upon past purchase patterns; seductive, but convenient, too. So, I was not surprised to see that they were suggesting Guy's book to me since I have purchased books from Amazon by Geoffrey Moore, Jim Utterback and others who study and write about early stage companies, innovation and entrepreneurship. Amazon wants me to buy Guy's book so they kindly provided a few pages of content for me to view. I took a few moments and looked inside. On those first few pages Guy writes about the idea and value of a company "Mantra" over a Mission Statement, and provided a few examples of the difference. Mission Statements are often cumbersome and loaded with hackneyed platitudes that quickly descend into mediocrity and "babble". A Mantra is simple and profound ---maybe in the same way as a Haiku.

When I read it over I thought---'yes, a mantra---for KULPER & COMPANY! Why not?"....instead of a rambling mission statement about being the best---putting clients first---providing superior customer service, quality processess etc., etc., etc., .... ad nauseum, let's see if we too, can have a mantra for our firm that really sums up our value proposition in a way that is unforgetable for us here in the firm and anyone who encounters us. Nike's mantra " Authentic Athletic Performance"--and tagline/"Just do it!" is so easily understood; Disney's mantra is "Fun family entertainment", IBM's, "THINK"...... you get the idea.

So here goes.....with KULPER & COMPANY's mantra: "The Right Hired Candidate".......

Really, that is what we strive for in our firm because when that happens everyone wins. So, if you are a potential candidate for one of our searches you can take heart---we will try to make sure you understand as much as we can tell you about the opportunity before you get an offer and accept the job. If you are a client you can know that we will have your back....every step of the way throughout the search assignment.... because we want you to attract the right new leader for your organization, not merely fill an open position and collect our fee.

Have a great weekend and work for peace every day in all that you do....I will be contemplating our mantra!

Semper rise,

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