Keith D Kulper, President

Keith D Kulper, President
Keith addressing 12/7/10 meeting of the KULPER Advisory Board held at New Jersey Institute of Technology

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

ADP Jobs Report

This morning's ADP jobs report is the kind of quantitative verification that we have been expecting here at KULPER & COMPANY because our phone has been ringing much more often from prospective clients in the past 2 months---but particularly, this week! KORN FERRY KFY: NYSE (a reliable indicator for the financial health of the executive search consulting business) recently reported very solid earnings. Challenger, Gray a national outplacement firm has concurrently reported very low lay off rates among their key clientele .

The signals are very positive for the economic recovery which should keep accelerating in 2011 and into 2012.

How is your company or academic institution doing? What is your forecast for 2011?
Are you poised to bring in new leaders to help your enterprise grow and develop?

Make a comment .... we would enjoy seeing what you think. And please feel free to contact us here at KULPER & COMPANY if your firm is considering use of an executive search firm to help attract and hire the right leaders for your company or academic institution.

Warm regards,


  1. It would be great if this is representative indicator. Certainly many larger companies are in a position to hire given they believe the economy will deliver an improved business climate. In speaking with a number of small businesses, I get the sense they are still feeling the credit crunch.

  2. The 1st 11 days of 2011 have been fantastic for Lform Web Design & Development. Clients that we haven't heard from in over a year have been reaching out to us for advice and potential upgrades to their current sites. Potential clients have been browsing out website daily and over 5 have completed our 25 question RFP questionnaire.
