Keith D Kulper, President

Keith D Kulper, President
Keith addressing 12/7/10 meeting of the KULPER Advisory Board held at New Jersey Institute of Technology

Friday, January 14, 2011

Research & Innovation: NJ Style

Since the earliest days of mankind, ideas have driven the progress and survival of our species. As many know, New Jersey is the State that innovates. We have been that way all along. Probably because we are so close to two major cities, New York and Philadelphia, and there was and still is, room here for researchers to set up labs and have at it. These researchers often go on to licensing what they invent and some set up their own companies, hence the reason for our support and interest in their activities. KULPER & COMPANY supports early stage innovation---both at universities and the companies---through our efforts to help attract top talent as well as through direct investment.

I am sure many of you can identify with with Thomas Edison. He is the father of so many brilliant inventions that led to the formation of entire industries which have improved the quality of life for all of mankind. He is a hero for sure. He is also an inspiration to anyone who embraces creativity and hard work. While we look back at Edison and admire him for his character and soaring intellect we need to keep our eye on the ball of what is happening now. Innovation is a constant ----particularly in New Jersey

I would like to draw your attention to the work of Emily Carter, PhD who now heads the Andlinger Center at Princeton University--here is a brief description about it:

Princeton's Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, is an interdisciplinary institute that will seek to bring together scientists and engineers, as well as policy makers and economists, to develop new means of sustainable energy production, energy conservation, and environmental protection. The center is financed through a $100-million gift from a Princeton alumnus.

This is of course great to see since the work that will be done there will be highly impactful. It is the kind of work that our firm endorses wholeheartedly. To read the article

Heroes like Edison are everywhere, particularly in our great Nation----but New Jersey is a place where they tend to thrive. So, 'kudos' to Dr Carter---and may her efforts produce great outcomes.

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